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3 Signs Your Heater Isn’t Performing as Well as it Should

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hot water heater resizedThe function of your home heating system is important as the temperatures drop during the fall and winter months, making it a priority for you to pay attention to both major and minor signs of trouble. Unfortunately, minor issues can lead to major problems without being noticed. In some cases, these issues manifest in the form of high heating costs. In other situations, an unexpected heating repair may result. With winter lows in Chesapeake, Virginia, having been recorded in the sub-zero range on record-setting occasions, reliable heating is critical for area residents. Following are three important signs that your system isn’t performing as it should.

Poor Airflow

If you barely notice air movement when your home heating equipment is running, you may be dealing with a mechanical problem or an issue related to your HVAC maintenance. A dirty filter is one of the most common factors affecting heating performance, restricting airflow and causing heat to build up. A clean filter at the start of heating season is important, and monthly checks should be completed to verify that your system can operate correctly. Additionally, pre-season HVAC maintenance is important for ensuring that parts are clean and that your blower is operating correctly.

Air Temperature Isn’t Hot Enough

If your system operates but fails to produce enough heat, you could have a problem with your heat exchanger, igniter or pilot. If you have a heat pump, you could lack sufficient refrigerant for the heat exchange process. Pre-season maintenance allows a technician to test system components to verify their integrity. This can head off most breakdowns during winter and better performance can be obtained during the heating season.

It’s also important to understand that if your air temperature isn’t warm enough, there could be a thermostat setting problem. A child could unknowingly make a change from heating to cooling, or the call for heat could be reset to a lower temperature. Before calling for assistance, verify that your thermostat is correctly set.

Unusual Cycles

Excessive operation or short spurts of heating activity could indicate a problem with your equipment. If your system seems to run indefinitely, you may want to verify thermostat settings to ensure that the call for heat isn’t excessively high, especially if your home seems too warm. If your system has a lot of on and off activity over short periods of time, an issue known as short-cycling, it may be helpful to check your air filter for dirt. If a filter change doesn’t resolve the situation, you may need to contact a heating technician.

Weather Makers is available to provide heating maintenance prior to winter’s arrival, ensuring that your equipment is ready for action. We’re also available to inspect your system if you have noticed any of these signs of inadequate performance. In an aging system, these issues may be more pronounced, and we can provide options for upgrading if your furnace or heat pump is regularly having performance problems. Contact us to discuss your needs today.

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