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3 Ways Leaky Ducts Lead to Big Problems

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When it comes to the ductwork in your central HVAC system, the proverb “out of sight, out of mind” can get you into trouble. The hidden labyrinth of air ducts in your Chesapeake, Virginia, home operates under constant pressure and fluctuating temperatures, and that makes them subject to damaging leaks. Left neglected, leaky ducts can lead to three major problems that can impact your finances, your health, and your comfort.

Sky-High Energy Bills

Leaks lower heating and air conditioning efficiency by allowing air to escape into unconditioned spaces. The resulting energy waste forces your HVAC systems to run longer to reach desired temperatures. Leaks can cause undue wear and tear on critical equipment as well. Sealing the leaks lets you avoid adding hundreds of dollars to your energy bills each year while safeguarding you from the cost of premature repairs and replacements.

Pests and Pollutants

For people who suffer from allergies, asthma or other respiratory ailments, the contaminants that leaky ducts allow into your home are nothing to sneeze at. Leaks can draw moisture into the ducts as well, creating an ideal environment for everything from cockroaches and rodents to bacteria and mold. Scheduling duct cleaning when repairing leaks helps keep harmful pollutants from circulating throughout your home.

Poor Performance

Leaky ducts take a toll on your comfort too. Because leaks waste up to 30 percent of the air that moves through ducts, the airflow can become weak and ineffective. The energy waste that leaks cause is particularly noticeable in hot weather. If you have rooms that are difficult to cool in the summer or that feel stuffy, musty or clammy, chances are that your air conditioning efficiency is impacted by leaks.

At Weather Makers, our HVAC technicians are experts at cleaning, sealing, and repairing ducts so that you can enjoy a healthier, greener, and more comfortable environment. To learn more about the ductwork solutions we offer throughout the Chesapeake area, explore our air quality services, or call us today at 757-263-4869.

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