There’s nothing worse than an oppressively hot home during the Chesapeake, Virginia, summer. But even if you manage to get the temperature to a comfortable level, you’re paying a hefty price every month. Some may say that it’s just the cost of living comfortably in the summer, but not always. If you’re tired of paying high summer energy bills but the same old tips and tricks don’t seem to work, here are a few hacks to lower them:
Cook Outside
It may seem obvious, but few people appreciate the benefits of cooking outside. Your oven and stove give off a lot of heat and raise the temperature. However, you can eliminate this problem altogether by firing up the grill whenever possible. Grilling is also healthier than sautéing or frying.
The best part about grilling a juicy steak, barbequing your corn, or any other food is you’ll conserve more energy by doing so and prevent odors from fried, broiled, or sautéed foods from lingering in your home. Cooking indoors unnecessarily heats up your home, particularly if you live in a small house or apartment. This makes your HVAC work harder to maintain comfortable temperatures, increasing your energy bill. It’s not only a money-saving exercise, but it also gives you that delicious, smoky, grilled flavor.
Get an AC Tuneup
If your air conditioner isn’t providing a constant, cool temperature, it could be time for a tuneup. Over time, your air conditioner will suffer from wear and tear, and eventually, it will need an inspection to keep it running smoothly. The result will be an air conditioner with better air flow and enhanced efficiency.
Upgrade Your Lights
You probably don’t use your lighting as much during the summer, when days are longer. Because of this, it’s the perfect time to consider upgrading your lighting. While this could mean purchasing energy-efficient fixtures, start with replacing your light bulbs. Replacing incandescent bulbs with CFL or LED lights can save you a ton of money, even in the short run.
Finding ways to reduce your summer energy can require a bit of creativity. However, you should definitely schedule an appointment with Weather Makers if your costs are rising. We’ll help identify problems and have your comfort back on track. Call us today.