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How a Geothermal System Cuts Utility Costs

Geothermal System Installation

Geothermal System Installation

Seasonal temperatures in Chesapeake, Virginia, can be very hot or very cold. That’s why an effective and efficient HVAC system is so important. If you’re considering a geothermal system for your home, you’ll be making a wise investment in your comfort as well as future savings.

About Geothermal Systems

The Earth maintains a constant temperature just a few feet below ground level. It remains cooler during the summer and warmer during the winter than the outdoor air. A geothermal system operates using the Earth’s temperature via a ground heat exchange. Through this heat exchange, the system harnesses the Earth’s energy to heat or cool your home.

Types of Geothermal Systems

There are several closed-loop geothermal systems, including vertical, horizontal and pond/lake.
There’s also an open-loop option. There are numerous factors that will help determine which type of geothermal system you install in your home, including land and water availability.

Benefits of a Geothermal System

While installing a geothermal system is costlier than an air-source system, it’ll pay for itself by providing more efficiency and energy savings. Using the ground temperature is more energy efficient when using a geothermal system instead of an air-source heat pump.

Geothermal systems also have a longer lifespan. Interior components can last up to 25 years, and the exchange loop can last for more than 50 years. Additional savings are possible through the federal tax credit and incentives that may be available in your state.

If you’re interested in finding out more about how a geothermal HVAC system can benefit your home, contact Weather Makers at 757-263-4869. Our expert staff is ready to answer any questions you may have about the benefits of a geothermal HVAC system installation. We’re here to help you stay comfortable and save.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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